3 October 2013
The focus of Third Phase of the UN World Programme on Human Rights Education (WPHRE) has been announced. The Human Rights Council adopted on 24 September Resolution [A/HRC/24/L.12/Rev.1], which defines the Third Phase and determines that the new phase of the WPHRE will run for four years, commencing in 2015. Watch the Representative from Costa Rica introduce the resolution here.
The resolution reiterates the call of the First and Second Phase, for states to provide human rights education and training for educators in formal and non-formal education, in particular working with children and to fully integrate human rights education in national school curricula.
The new focus of the Third Phase will be on media professionals and journalists, with an emphasis on education and training in equality and non-discrimination. The programme will aim to combat stereotypes and violence, foster respect for diversity, promote tolerance, intercultural and interreligious dialogue and social inclusion, and raise awareness of the universality, indivisibility and interrelatedness of all human rights among the general public.
ACHRE has written to the Minister for Foreign Affairs seeking information about Australia’s plans to implement the WPHRE Resolution and offering support for its implementation.