10 December 2013
The Centre for Human Rights Education at Curtin University has celebrated its 10th Anniversary on 10 December 2013. The centre was established in 2003 with the generous donation by a Japanese philanthroper Dr Haruhisa Handa. Dr Eric Tan AM, then Chancellor of the Curtin University and President of the National Committee for Human Rights Education, now Australian Council for Human Rights Education, was a key driving force behind establishment of the Centre and Prof Jim Ife was appointed the inaugural Handa professor of Human Rights Education. ACHRE was represented at the Anniversary Celebrations by its President Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, Vice President Dr Lynda Blanchard and Mr Chander Khera, member of ACHRE executive committee.
The Program of the 10th Anniversary celebration included speeches by past and current directors and staff of the Centre as well as President of the ACHRE. The keynote address was given by Dr Ela Gandhi on “Active participation the key to a democratic order – a Gandhian perspective.” DR Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi has served as the Chancellor of the Durban University of Technology for 5 years and is Hon. International President of the of the World Conference on Religions for Peace. She is a globally renowned peace activist and advocate of the culture of nonviolence and restorative justice.
Professor Majella Franzmann, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Humanities) of Curtin University hosted a private dinner with Dr Ela Gandhi on Monday 9 December 2013.
See: 10 Years Anniversary