The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education

22 April 2014

UN office in Geneva, Curtesy: Wikipedia
UN office in Geneva, Curtesy: Wikipedia



The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education is currently being planned by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to cover a five-year period from 2015 to 2019. The Draft Plan of Action for this Third Phase has just appeared. It contains guidance for governments, inter-governmental institutions, national human rights institutions and civil society about implementing human rights education and training. OHCHR is inviting comments from civil society on the Draft Plan of Action.

The focus of the third phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education (WPHRE) is to strengthen the implementation of the first two phases and to promote human rights training for journalists and other media professionals. This involves guidance on human rights education in primary and secondary school systems and higher education, and human rights training for teachers and educators, civil servants, law enforcement officials and the military. With regard to journalists and other media professionals, the Plan of Action aims to provide elements of human rights training, highlight the importance of an enabling environment of journalists and support the development of sustainable training strategies.

ACHRE intend to submit a submission to OHCHR in Geneva as a contribution to their request for feedback on the Draft Plan of Action.