13 June 2014
The NT Council for Human Rights Education with the Northern Institute organised the 2014 Asylum Seeker Symposium “Resourceful Refugees: Unlocking the potential to contribute to Northern Australia Development” to mark World Refugee Week.
All welcome. Open to the public event.
Where refugees fit in the Northern Australian agenda?
Ways refugees can contribute to Northern Australian Development?
How refugee engagement can grow your business in Northern Australia?
Professor Graeme Hugo AO, Director of the Australian Population and Migration Research Centre at the University of Adelaide & ARC, Australian Professorial Fellow
Rebecca Eckard, Research Coordinator with the Refugee Council of Australia in Melbourne
Caz Coleman, Acting Director of Melaleuca Refugee Centre
Mahongo Fumbelo, WISE Employment
Jeswyn Yogaratnam, President (NTCHRE) as MC – see Northern Territory Council for Human Rights Education
Please go to: www.cdu.edu.au//the-northern-institute
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thenortherninstitute@cdu.edu.au Web: https://www.cdu.edu.au