29 June 2014

This project is currently being run at seven universities across Australia. It aims to develop curricula for Australian university courses that teach social justice (including human rights, law, development, public health, and peace and conflict) through simulations (both face-face and online): https://sydney.edu.au/arts/research/global_social_justice_network/simulation/index.shtml
This will be done by:
- Working with faculty members from seven universities across Australia to develop social justice-related curricula using simulations
- Developing pedagogical tools to teach students social justice-related skills such as lobbying, working with the media, and collaborating with partners
- Applying these tools to a range of social justice scenarios
- Holding simulation practicums at each university
- Publishing and disseminating both written and video material to a range of educators, students, practitioners, and community stakeholders
Project Leader and Lead Institution are: Dr. Susan Banki, The University of Sydney; Project Manager is: Paul Duffill, The University of Sydney