3 July 2014
The Australian Council of Human Rights Education jointly with the University of Western Sydney initiated in 2010 a series of human rights education conferences.
I have had a pleasure to convene the first conference in November 2010 that was entitled “Educating for Human Rights, Peace and Intercultural Dialogue” in Sydney, Australia. The conference attracted approximately 400 participants, including top academics, government ministers and other VIPs from some 30 countries; see: https://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/708792/HREC_2010_Report_Web_Version.pdf
Today I am pleased to announce that the next International Human Rights Education Conference (IHREC) will be held at the American University, in Washington DC, USA on 4-6 December 2014. The theme of the 5th IHREC is ‘Advancing UNiversal Human Rights Culture’.
The conference title is intentionally broad to apply to as many people working in HRE as possible, with some focus on UN (keeping UN in capitals as a part of universal is not a mistake). Please save the date in your calendars – I hope that at least some of you would be able to attend.
The Conference Convenor, Professor Claudio Grossman, Dean, American University Washington College of Law and Chairperson of the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) has issued a call for papers that contains a broad list themes to be covered at the conference – see the Attachment on conference website https://www.wcl.american.edu/events/ichredu/callforpapers.cfm
Please circulate this information widely to all those interested in human rights education worldwide.
Best regards and see you at the Conference.
See media release : 5th International Human Rights Education Conference