26 September 2014
In 2010 the Australian Council for Human Rights Education in association with the University of Western Sydney has initiated a series of international human rights education conferences.
I am pleased to inform that the 5th International Conference on Human Rights Education � Advancing UNiversal Human Rights Culture will be held in Washington DC on 4 – 6 December 2014.
The website is at www.wcl.american.edu/events/ichredu
Conference information can be found at www.wcl.american.edu/events/ichredu/welcome.cfm
You may register securely on line at www.wcl.american.edu/events/ichredu/registration or a downloadable registration form is available.
Important deadlines are:
Early bird registration fee: November 1, 2014
Special Hotel Rate: November 3, 2014
We look forward to receiving your registration and seeing you in Washington.