Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue debrief

5 December 2014

Mr Chander Khera, Executive Committee Member – ACT attended the Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue debrief by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on 5 December 2014.

DFAT officials providing debrief
DFAT officials providing debrief

DFAT welcomed contributions of NGOs to the dialogue and advised that Vietnam continues to make progress towards human rights. Specifically, Vietnam continues to give consideration to the establishment of a human rights institution. The Australian Human Rights Commission is providing advice to Vietnam as it examines various possible models. Mr Khera advised that the ACHRE was thankful for being included in the debrief and would be happy to assist with technical cooperation particularly if there were opportunities for human rights education in schools or universities in Vietnam. DFAT advised that the next dialogue would be held in Australia and hoped Vietnam would agree to a meeting between NGOs and the Vietnamese delegation during their visit.