8 May 2015
Mr Chander Khera attended the NGOs and Civil Society consultations with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on 8 May 2015.

The consultations were to provide feedback on draft CERD and ICERTS reports. In addition to ACHRE, other NGOs and the Australian government departments other than DFAT that were present included the Law Council of Australia, Amnesty International, Slavery Link, ACOSS, Salvation Army, Australian Human Rights Commission and the Department of Attorney General’s.
Mr Khera advised that ACHRE welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the reports. It has already sent a written submission to DFAT on CERD, and expects to make a submission on ICERTS. If possible, ACHRE requests an extension to the deadline for submissions. Many other NGOs also requested for an extension.
Mr Khera advised that ACHRE supports DFAT response to Concluding Observations 27 of CERD and 34 of ICERTS. It appreciates overcrowding of curriculum as a risk mentioned in CERD observation 27 (Human Rights education), paragraph 184, however, ACHRE would like to express its strong desire that human rights as a subject does not become a casualty of the curriculum overcrowding.
DFAT advised that they would take on notice the request to extend the deadline for comments, but advised that the final reports are due in June this year.