14 May 2015
After the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago de Chile withdrew as the host of 6th International Human Rights Education Conference (IHREC) in December 2015, I wrote to the international human rights education network to seek seeking a new host. I received a number of proposals including from Burma, Canada, Gambia, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Uganda, UK and others, but the most viable proposal was received from the University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University in Middelburg, the Netherlands in cooperation with the Human Rights Education Associates (HREA).
Today, as Foundation Convenor & Series Coordinator of International Human Rights Conference Series I am pleased to announce that the 6th International Human Rights Education Conference will be held at the University College Roosevelt (Utrecht University) in Middelburg, the Netherlands, from 16-18 December 2015. Professor Barbara Oomen is the Conference Convenor, together with Frank Elbers of HREA. A Conference Call will be circulated shortly. Prof. Oomen can be contacted at:B.Oomen@ucr.nl; and Frank Elbers at:frank.elbers@hrea.org .
The University of Western Sydney, HREA and the Australian Council for Human Rights Education agreed to partner with University College Roosevelt in support of the 6th IHREC. The conference website and a call for papers will be developed shortly and circulated to the human rights education community.
I am also pleased to announce that the 7th International Human Rights Education Conference in 2016 will be hosted by the Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law (Centro de Derechos Humanos, Facultad de Derecho) at the University of Chile. Dr Claudia Cardenas, Director of the Human Rights Centre will be the convenor of the 2016 conference.
The conference’s Web site is at https://www.ihrec2015.org/
Thank you to all of you who have put forward proposals to host the conference and see you in December in the Netherlands.