The Citizen for Humanity Project was launched on Human Rights Day, 10 December, 2002, at Parliament House, Canberra at a forum hosted by Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, the then Chair of the Joint Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights, the former Federal Attorney-General, the Hon. Daryl Williams, AM and the then Shadow Attorney-General, the Hon. Robert McClelland.
The project’s four main goals are:
- To promote knowledge about Human Rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international instruments.
- To encourage an understanding of the relevance of respect for human rights to the maintenance of Australia’s democratic political institutions and inclusive multicultural society based on the rule of law.
- To create awareness of the value of strengthening the culture of human rights.
- To develop the capacity of all Australian citizens to take action to protect and promote their own human rights and the rights of others in their community, as well as in the world at large.
The educational activities are based around on the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and engage students in interactive discussions and role plays. The students are encouraged to explore why they think human rights matter to the promotion and respect for cultural diversity and justice in a democratic society….which champions the idea of a fair go for all. At the end of the programme, students participating in the project are presented with a Citizen for Humanity certificate at an assembly or special occasion.
See schools awarded Citizens of Humanity Awards
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