12 September 2016
Pera Wells, Deputy President, ACHRE, addressed the 4th Model Global Parliament that took place in the Legislative Assembly chamber of the New South Wales Parliament. Proceedings began with a short talk by Daryl Le Cornu, President of the World Citizens Association, who welcomed participants to the Parliament, gave a little background as to why we need a global parliament, and mentioned some current projects such as the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.

Pera Wells, the founder and director of the Model Global Parliament program, was the second speaker. She pointed out that people are increasingly identifying themselves as global citizens. We are living through an unprecedented period of human history, sometimes described as the Anthropocene Era, because human actions have been making profound changes to the environment of the planet. She mentioned that the first Global Parliament of Mayors had been convened in The Hague from 9 to 11 September and looked forward to learning of the outcomes.
For more about the proceedings and outcomes of the 4th Model Global Parliament, see: Attachment