6 February 2017
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is preparing a progress report on the implementation of the third phase (2015-2019) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education to be submitted to the Human Rights Council in September 2017. The report will address national implementation of human rights education, particularly in strengthening implementation of the first two phases of the World Programme and in promoting human rights training for media professionals and journalists.
Accordingly, OHCHR has invited all Member States and national human rights institutions to submit information on national implementation of the third phase of the World Programme. The deadline for submissions is 18 April 2017, and all related documentation is available on the OHCHR website at https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Education/Training/WPHRE/ThirdPhase/Pages/ThirdPhaseIndex.aspx