7 IHREC, Santiago, Chile – Conference Summary and Papers

14 February 2017

The papers and panel presentations from the 7th International Human Rights Education Conference have been now published by Conference Secretariat and are available at: https://ihrec2016.org/en

As you go to the details of each panel, the presenter’s names are links to their papers. If you want to download, for example, the papers from Panel 1, you go to this link: https://ihrec2016.org/opalsingleevent-session/panel-1-educacion-en-ddhh-en-los-sistemas-educativos-formales-parte-1-desafios-y-analisis/>/a>  and select the papers you want to download.

Furthermore, please find attached conference summary records both in Spanish: Acta de la IHREC 2016 and English:  Record of the VII IHREC 

The 7th IHREC Secretariat also updated conference photo gallery.