15 February 2017
The International Human Rights Education Conferences (IHREC) established in 2010 are a global discussion forum to connect around shared human rights challenges and focus on good practices and innovation in education.
The 8th IHREC entitled: “Bridging our diversities. An international forum to explore human rights education solutions to global challenges.” will be held in Montreal, Canada, between 30 November and 3 December 2017. An important theme of the conference will be the role of human rights education in reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
The conference is being hosted by Equitas, a leader in the field of human rights education, which this year is celebrating its 50 th Anniversary. Equitas was established in Montreal by a group of engaged Canadians that included John P. Humphrey (one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and Thérèse Casgrain (renowned Quebec advocate for women’s rights).
This 8 th IHREC will provide opportunities to share rights-based education experiences and practical HRE tools. It will create spaces where participants can explore how HRE can build more peaceful and equitable communities and provide effective solutions to current national and global challenges related to diversity, inclusion, violence and extremism.