29 July 2018
The 38th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC38) was another busy one for Australia. Australia engaged on 21 resolutions, co-sponsoring 14 of them. We delivered 26 national statements, joined 20 joint statements, and participated in 41 side events. Gender equality and women’s rights, a key Australian priority, featured prominently. Australia led a joint statement on the Plurality of Families and protecting individual rights, which was joined by 28 states. Freedom of expression, association and assembly were another key focus of HRC38. Australia co-sponsored resolutions on civil society space, peaceful protests and human rights on the internet.
The Foreign Minister’s press release summarizing the outcomes of the session can be found here.
Statements delivered by Australia during the session, including during action (voting), can be found here.
Full DFAT summary is below:
2018-07-29 Report from HRC38