23 January 2019
Professor Audrey Osler, Editor-in-Chief Human Rights Education Review www.humanrer.org and Professor Sev Ozdowski plan to publish a special edition of HRER featuring some of the best papers from the International Conference on Human Rights Education in Sydney in December 2018.
If you presented a paper at this conference and would like it to be considered, you should submit an extended abstract (max 300 words) by 31 January 2019 to HRER clearly marking your submission ‘9th ICHRE SYDNEY’. Full papers will be required by 31 March. Further details on word length, formatting and submission via the HRER platform can be found at https://humanrer.org/index.php/human/about/submissions Please note that the 300 word abstract is designed to help in making an initial choice. Final papers should follow the normal abstract length. HRER is an open access journal that doe not charge either authors or readers. It works with authors to give published papers maximum exposure.
The editors will make a selection of potential papers for the special edition after 31 January 2019, when will contact all those who have submitted abstracts. It is possible that if there are more than enough strong papers for the special edition that some authors will be encouraged to submit through the standard process.
We invite you to register for HRER here so that you get future updates on the journal: https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/human/user/register
If you experience any difficulties in uploading an abstract, please contact Gabriela Mezzanotti Gabriela.Mezzanotti@usn.no
You can also follow HRER on Twitter: @humanrer
We look forward to receiving your abstract in due course.