10th International Conference on Human Rights Education

10th International Conference on Human Rights Education 11-12 December 2019, Nepal

Human Rights in Academic Excellence, Technology and Artificial Intelligence

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The Kathmandu University, in collaboration with Western Sydney University, is proud host of the 10th International Conference on Human Rights Education (ICHRE) titled “Human Rights in Academic Excellence, Technology and Artificial Intelligence”to be held on 10-12 December 2019 at Dhulikhel Kathmandu University campus, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The IHRE conferences originated from a grassroots movement for the continued growth of world-wide human rights education to further democracy, the rule of law, as well as to promote intercultural dialogue, social harmony and justice.   

The Kathmandu ICHRE will be attended by academia, political and government representatives, international organizations including national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, in particular, from Nepal and South Asia and by the media. The conference will be officially opened by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal and will see the participation of a broad section of Nepali government and civil society institutions.

Some 45 papers will be presented at the conference dealing with issues such as human rights in Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030, human rights and culture, good governance, peace process and justice. The Conference will also explore new initiatives for cooperation in human rights research in South Asia.

A Kathmandu Declaration will be adopted to provide a plan of action on the aforementioned issues, before the closing ceremony to be presided by the Rt. Hon. Chief Justice of Nepal.

For more information about the program of the 10th International Conference on Human Rights Education, conference venue and accommodation options available see the conference website: https://ichre2019.ku.edu.np/  or email to 10thichre@ku.edu.np to register.