Choosing Humanity—HRE Resource for All


On August 6th Hiroshima Day and Aug 9t h Nagasaki Day, 2020—ACHRE members were involved in human rights education activities associated with honouring the ‘hibakusha’  of Japan and remembering the atrocity of nuclear war. Including webinars teaching and learning about the perils for humanity in developing nuclear arms and global civil society efforts to voice concerns. A significant example is the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), an Australian initiative running for over ten years which received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. Their recent publication Choosing Humanity: why Australia must join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons  sets out in detail the humanitarian case for Australia to join the global majority of nations in supporting the nuclear weapon ban treaty—and is a free resource for schools, universities and community education. ICAN and ACHRE are working together to convene an international humanitarian law public forum for later this year.

    Dr. L. Blanchard, Vice-President ACHRE