February 28—March 14, 2022. Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society in Japan and Australia.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the two-week HRE study abroad project was run online this year as per last year, with project partners and guest speakers from four universities as well as several civil society groups and high school communities in Sydney.
Partners included University of Technology Sydney with Dr Leah Lui-Chivizhe sharing her research on Torres Strait Island culture and from The University of Sydney, A/Prof. Lyn Riley sharing her Aboriginal Kinship Workshop; from Western Sydney University Prof Linda Briskman sharing her work promoting refugee rights in Australia; and, University of New South Wales director of the Australian Human Rights Institute Prof. Justine Nolan and from the Faculty of Law and Justice Prof. Lucas Lixinski, Prof. Chris Forster and Prof. Gabrielle Appleby .
Learning about civil society activities and community projects such as Benjamin Oh’s LGBTIQ+ Workshop, the Refugee Art Project (RAP) and the Tribal Warrior Corporation; as well as human rights education community and schools’ initiatives—such as learning from Settlement Services International (Community Kitchen, Community Hub and Welcome Project) and about diversity education from Cabramatta High School—is also a significant part of the programme.
The Australian Council for Human Rights Education (ACHRE) has been a collaborative partner in the project Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society in Japan and Australia for the past nine years following pilot funding from the Australia-Japan Foundation. Our international partner is Chuo University Japan and students travel to Sydney on an annual basis to meet with government, community and civil society organisations concerned with human rights.