VII International Human Rights Education Conference “Addressing the Challenges of the Civil Society”, Santiago, Chile

18 January 2017 The University of Chile School of Law and the Center for Human Rights hosted the 7th IHREC on 12-15 December 2016. The IHREC is an international event that has taken place in Australia, South Africa, Poland, Taiwan, the United States and The Netherlands. This time the conference was held for the first …
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AHREC calls for the immediate release of Oscar Lopez Rivera

21 December 2016 ACHRE has written to US President Barack Obama asking for the immediate release of Oscar Lopez Rivera, who has served 35 years in prison for his commitment to the independence of Puerto Rico.      Oscar Lopez sentence of 70 years is completely disproportionate, taking into consideration that he was never convicted of hurting …
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International Human Rights Day

10 December 2016 10 December marks International Human Rights Day established by the UN General Assembly in 1950 to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after World War II 1948. The theme for 2016 is “Stand up for Someone’s Rights. Each year we celebrate the fundamental principle that all human beings …
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Citizen for Humanity at Brighton Secondary, Adelaide

2 December 2016 ACHRE has provided $1,000 grant for the Brighton Secondary School in South Australia to undertake the Citizens for Humanity Project with all Year 9 students (over 300). The project objective was to broaden students’ understanding of human rights through their engagement with local communities across Adelaide. For project details see:  Brighton Secondary …
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Regents Park Christian School Awarded Citizens for Humanity Citation

16 November 2016 On Wednesday 16 November Dr Sev Ozdowski AM visited Regents Park Christian School to speak with Year 11 Legal Studies students on the topic of Australia and Human Rights. The students participated in lively discussion and provided the following feedback after the visit:”Dr Sev’s deep and extensive knowledge of the Human Rights …
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Website teaches school kids about human rights

11 October 2016 The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) launched the interactive website designed to help students gain a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities. The resource includes two interactive lessons with accompanying teacher resources – including lesson plans – and suggested homework activities and has been mapped to the Australian Curriculum for Humanities …
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Racial Tolerance Motion Adopted by Parliament

10 October 2016 On 10 October 2016, to commemorate the fifties anniversary of Australia becoming a signatory to one of the world’s most profound declarations on human rights — the United Nations’ International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull moved a motion in Parliament to reaffirm …
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New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants

19 September 2016 United Nations Member States, including Australia, unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, an historical act which demonstrates a global commitment to the protection of rights for refugees and migrants, and begins a dialogue about effective measures to achieve that protection.   By adopting the New York Declaration, Member States are …
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