26-January-2016 I was delighted to be appointed in the today’s Australia Day Honours list as a Member of the Order of Australia for “for significant service to the community, particularly to human rights education, social justice and multiculturalism, and as an academic”. Thank you very much for many kind wishes and congratulations I have …
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Author:Ann Hine
6th International Human Rights Conference: ‘Translating Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms to Today’s World’
17-19 December 2015 I have just returned from the 6th International Human Rights Conference titled ‘Translating Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms to Today’s World’ that was held at the University College Roosevelt in Middelburg, The Netherlands, between 17-19 December 2015. I am pleased to report that the conference was a great success. It was attended by over …
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Prime Minister Turnbull endorses 2015 6th IHREC
3 December 2015 The 6th Annual International Human Rights Education Conference starts in just two weeks in Middleburg, Holland. The Australian Prime Minister Hon. Malcolm Turnbull has endorsed the conference – see PM message here . I hope to see you in Middleburg at the 6th IHRE Conference.
Kate Gilmore – new Human Rights Deputy High Commissioner
1 December 2015 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Kate Gilmore of Australia as Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights. She will succeed Flavia Pansieri of Italy. Ms. Gilmore is an Australian who is currently Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), brings to the position nearly 30 …
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ACHRE welcomes new UN High Commissioner For Refugees
20 November 2015 ACHRE welcomes today’s action by the General Assembly to elect Filippo Grandi of Italy as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Mr. Grandi will succeed Antoio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres of Portugal. Mr. Grandi was most recently Commissioner-General of the …
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Educating to prevent violence against women
19 November 2015 The world’s first national framework to focus on preventing violence against women was launched this week. Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia was developed by Our Watch, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s …
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ACHRE Annual General Meeting
18 November 2015 Today the AGM of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education took place and a new ACHRE Management Committee was elected for 2016. The new management Committee consist of: ACHRE President: – Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (NSW) 2 Vice Presidents: – Dr Linda-ann Blanchard (WA) – Ms Pera Wells (VIC) Secretary/Public Officer: …
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Conversations in Peace
17 November 2015 The book launch of Conversations in Peace, on August 11th 2015 at Gleebooks saw a gathering of 200 people – thank you to all ACHRE members who could attend! According to the editors – Lynda-ann Blanchard and Hannah Middleton – a primary reason for publishing this significant text is as a tool …
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Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society
16 November 2015 Dr Lynda Blanchard, Project Coordinator & Vice President ACHRE 2015 has seen the development of a regional human rights education initiative entitled “Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society in Japan and Australia” as a collaboration between Chuo University’s Law Faculty (Japan) and University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies …
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12th Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue Civil Society Consultation
16 September 2015 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Report by Chander Khera Mr Chander Khera of ACHRE along with other interested NGOs attended a debrief by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on the 12th Australia- Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue. The dialogue was held on 14 August 2015 in Canberra. Vietnamese …
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