29 June 2014 This project is currently being run at seven universities across Australia. It aims to develop curricula for Australian university courses that teach social justice (including human rights, law, development, public health, and peace and conflict) through simulations (both face-face and online): https://sydney.edu.au/arts/research/global_social_justice_network/simulation/index.shtml This will be done by: Working with faculty members …
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Author:Ann Hine
HRE at RMIT Melbourne
24 June 2014 The Centre for Human Rights Education funded by ACHRE in 2007 has closed following a review of its viability in 2011 and its education offerings were incorporated into the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, The School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, after investigating the feasibility of the courses on …
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Vision of Humanity
18 June 2014 MEASURING PEACE, RISK AND RESILIENCE It’s all systems go here at the Institute for Economics and Peace as we gear up to launch the 2014 Global Peace Index on the 18th of June. This year the Global Peace Index report will focus on identifying countries most at risk of instability and …
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Asylum Seeker Symposium 2014 organised in Darwin
13 June 2014 The NT Council for Human Rights Education with the Northern Institute organised the 2014 Asylum Seeker Symposium “Resourceful Refugees: Unlocking the potential to contribute to Northern Australia Development” to mark World Refugee Week. All welcome. Open to the public event. HEAR EXPERTS ON: Where refugees fit in the Northern Australian agenda? Ways …
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New Patron in Chief for ACHRE
14 May 2014 His excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) has accepted the invitation of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education (ACHRE) to become Patron-in-Chief of our organisation. His Excellency advised that “he sees the work of ACHRE as complementary to his responsibilities as Governor-General and to themes of personal …
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Advisory Group Appointed for the next Human Rights Education Conference
11 May 2014 ACHRE is pleased to inform you that the international conferences on Human Rights Education (IHRE) Dr Ozdowski initiated in 2010 in Sydney continue to advance human rights culture world-wide. The Fifth IHRE conference will be held at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington DC USA on 4-6 December 2014 …
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DFAT Briefing on the 15th Australia-China Human Rights Dialogue Meeting
6 May 2014 Ms Monira Ahsan of the Australian National University has represented the ACHRE on the Department of Foreign Affairs Briefing on the 15th Australia-China Human Rights Dialogue held in Canberra on 6 May 2014. A full report of the briefing is attached below. Report- Australia China HR Dialogue
Citizens for Humanity awarded to the Kingswood Public School
5 May 2014 The students of Year 6 Opportunity Class of the Kingswood Public School has been awarded for the second consecutive year the Citizens for Humanity Award for their achievement in knowledge of human rights. When presenting the Award, the President of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education has acknowledged the leadership of …
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The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education
22 April 2014 The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education is currently being planned by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to cover a five-year period from 2015 to 2019. The Draft Plan of Action for this Third Phase has just appeared. It contains …
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Human Rights Education Forum for the ACT School Teachers and Principals
The ACT branch of the ACHRE held a Human Rights Education Forum for the ACT school teachers and principals in Canberra on 4 April 2014. The aim of the forum was to assist schools to implement the Australian Curriculum and provide strategies to principals and teachers to lead human rights education in their schools. This …
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