Citizens for Humanity awarded to the Moorebank High School

12 March 2014 Dr Sev Ozdowski, President ACHRE, has presented a Citizens for Humanity Certificate to the year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students of Moorebank High School for their commitment to and knowledge of human rights issues. Year 12 students, under the leadership of their HSIE Teacher Ms Mai Ni Pham have just completed …
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NT HRE Grant Acquittal

3 March 2014 In September 2011 NTCHRE has secured the Federal Government AG’s Grant for Human Rights to design pedagogy and facilitate human rights education workshops in remote community schools. The important HRE project undertaken jointly with NT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities has been successfully completed now. In an acquittal letter to ACHRE-NT’s …
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The Citizen for Humanity Certificate Awarded to Sir Joseph Banks High School

17 February 2014 On Monday 17 February Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, President, ACHRE met with students of Year 11 Legal Studies Students of Sir Joseph Banks High School of Revesby to deliver the human rights lecture and award the Citizen for Humanity Certificate for their excellence in learning about human rights issues in Australia and …
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Human Rights Report on North Korea Released

17 February 2014 On Monday the Hon Michael Kirby, Patron of ACHRE and Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has released a 400-page set of linked reports and supporting documents, based on first-hand testimony from victims and witnesses. The UN Commission of Inquiry on human …
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Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow Award for ACHRE President

17 February 2014 On Monday 17 February Rotary International has celebrated its 109th Anniversary by presenting unsung heroes in the community with Paul Harris Recognitions. On that night Dr Sev Ozdowski, President, ACHRE was the recipient at the Rotary International Sydney CBD Branch meeting of the Paul Harris Award for “Humanitarian Service to Society”. The …
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The Right to Education Project launches a new website

15 February 2014 The Right to Education Project has launched a new user-friendly website containing information on: education as a right; a list of international instruments that guarantee the right to education; guidance on looking at the implementation of the right to education at national level;  important right to education issues, and tools for using …
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Submission to the National School Curriculum Review

14 February 2014   The National Council for Human Rights Education (ACHRE) has drafted a submission to the he National School Curriculum Review that was announced by Minister for Education The Hon. Christopher Pyne in January 2014. The Inquiry conducted under the leadership of Dr Kevin Donnelly and Professor Ken Wiltshire. The ACHRE submission is …
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Children given right to bring complaints before UN Committee

12 February 2014 The Australian Council for Human Rights Education (ACHRE) welcomes establishment of a new complaints mechanism under the UN Convention on Rights of Child. On 14 January 2014, Costa Rica became the tenth state to ratify the Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure, …
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