20 November 2015 ACHRE welcomes today’s action by the General Assembly to elect Filippo Grandi of Italy as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Mr. Grandi will succeed Antoio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres of Portugal. Mr. Grandi was most recently Commissioner-General of the …
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Educating to prevent violence against women
19 November 2015 The world’s first national framework to focus on preventing violence against women was launched this week. Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia was developed by Our Watch, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s …
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Conversations in Peace
17 November 2015 The book launch of Conversations in Peace, on August 11th 2015 at Gleebooks saw a gathering of 200 people – thank you to all ACHRE members who could attend! According to the editors – Lynda-ann Blanchard and Hannah Middleton – a primary reason for publishing this significant text is as a tool …
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Law Society Grant to fund International Humanitarian Law activities
1 July 2015 The NT Council for Human Rights Education has been awarded the Law Society Public Purposes Grant (2015 round) to facilitate International Humanitarian Law (IHL) activities and public education courses in Darwin. In the advent of natural disasters, internal conflict and displacement of millions of civilians juxtaposed with external intervention and use of …
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Future International Human Rights Conferences
22 June 2015 After the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago de Chile withdrew as the host of 6th International Human Rights Education Conference (IHREC) in December 2015 I wrote to the international human rights education network to seek a new host. I received a number of proposals including from Burma, …
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Supporter Agreement with AHRC “Racism. It Stops with me.” Campaign
8 June 2015 The Australian Council for Human Rights Education has agreed to renew its agreement with the Australian Human Rights Commission to support the “RACISM. IT STOPS WITH ME.” campaign at least until 2018. The ACHRE has initially endorsed the campaign in 2013 for the period of two years. The ACHRE looks forward to …
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6th International Human Rights Education Conference, Middelburg, the Netherlands 16-18 December 2015
14 May 2015 After the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago de Chile withdrew as the host of 6th International Human Rights Education Conference (IHREC) in December 2015, I wrote to the international human rights education network to seek seeking a new host. I received a number of proposals including from …
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News Release: UN Human Rights Office Launches Online Database of Treaty Body Case Law
11 February 2015 The UN Human Rights Office has launched a major public online database, https://juris.ohchr.org , that contains all case law issued by the UN human rights expert committees, the Treaty Bodies. “The database is designed to be a key reference tool for scholars, lawyers, civil society organisations, governments and civil servants, our UN …
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ACHRE Supports National Inquiry into Violence against PWD
25 December 2014 ACHRE has joined a coalition of national peak organisations of and for people with disability in Australia to request Prime Minister’s leadership and action to establish an independent National Inquiry into violence and abuse perpetrated against people with disability in institutional and residential settings in Australia. The evidence suggests that violence and …
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Australian Multicultural Council Announcements
15 December 2014 Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, President of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education, has been appointed Chair of the Australian Multicultural Council by the Australian Government. The announcement was recently made by the Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews, and Parliamentary Secretary, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. The Council’s role is to advise the …
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