Australian Human Rights Commission Medal Winner – Rosemary Kayess

Leading disability rights activist Rosemary Kayess has won the prestigious 2019 Human Rights Medal in recognition of her work in international human rights law for people with disability. Ms Kayess, a tireless advocate for equal rights for people with disability in Australia and worldwide, contributed to drafting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of …
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10th International Conference on Human Rights Education

10th International Conference on Human Rights Education 11-12 December 2019, Nepal Human Rights in Academic Excellence, Technology and Artificial Intelligence Register Now The Kathmandu University, in collaboration with Western Sydney University, is proud host of the 10th International Conference on Human Rights Education (ICHRE) titled “Human Rights in Academic Excellence, Technology and Artificial Intelligence”to be held on 10-12 December 2019 …
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International Day of UN Peacekeepers Luncheon

Goodwill Ambassador of the Institute for Economics and Peace and Past Director of the UNAA Peace Program, Zeny Edwards hosted the International Day of UN Peacekeepers Luncheon on 28 May 2019. This Luncheon was to honour our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Peacekeepers. Representatives of our peacekeepers were Uncle Col Watego OAM, Uncle Harry Allie …
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‘Manipulation of the Law on Torture’ presented at the University High School

On 24 July 2019, Jeswynn Yogaratnam and the Hon Judge Jane Patrick presented the case study ‘Manipulation of the Law on Torture: Abu Ghraib & Guantanamo Bay’ at the University High School. Jeswynn presented as part of his voluntary ACHRE activities on human rights education in Victoria, through the  talk series organised by the Victoria …
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Schools will receive new resources to strengthen the push to eliminate racism

Every school will receive a copy of the ‘ The Final Quarter ‘, a powerful documentary about the racial taunts directed at former Australian of the Year and AFL legend Adam Goodes prior to his retirement. The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched ‘Let’s talk race: A guide on how to conduct conversations about racism‘ to complement the …
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Poverty Summit 2019 held in South Australia

As part of the Citizen for Humanity Project (CHP) for students and youth in communities across all educational sectors in South Australia, a Poverty Summit was held at the Adelaide Festival Centre. With over 300 students and 20 teachers attending from 24 different schools, this Summit was facilitated by the UN Youth. Aiming to raise …
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Fr Giorgio Licini – refugees and people seeking asylum who remain on Manus Island must have just and fair treatment.

Fr Giorgio Licini, the General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG and Solomon Islands shared his insights on the plight of refugees and people seeking asylum who remain on Manus Island. On 12 August 2019 at the Jesuit Refugee Service in Sydney, Fr Licini explained that the treatment of those who had and …
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Remarks at the closing of High-Level Political Dialogue of the Pacific Island Forum

António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations made instructive remarks to close the high-level political dialogue of the Pacific Island Forum in May 2019. Among other things, he drew attention to ‘the clear connection between climate change and the situation in the oceans. Climate change is forcing people to move and there are problems …
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