Lesson 1.1 – What are Human Rights?


Suggested Level: Middle primary and upper primary.

Learning Outcome: This lesson introduces children to the idea of human rights and gives a very brief outline of how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came to be written.

Materials and resources: poster paper and pens

Video: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/what-are-human-rights/what-universal-declaration-human-rights

Suggested Activities:

After watching the video, conduct a class discussion using the following questions as a guide.


  1. What does ‘right’ mean?
  2. How might these rights apply to you in your own life? At home? At school?
  3. Are there any rights that you think you should have that are not included in the video?’
  4. Working in pairs or small groups, the students make posters illustrating one of the rights mentioned in the video