Suggested level: Lower & Middle Secondary
Learning Outcomes: This lesson aims to develop a sense of empathy in students that predisposes them to consider the universality and interdependence of human rights. It links to the Australian Curriculum Humanities strand Civics and Citizenship and cross-curricular priorities. (Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priorities – Sustainability: OI 3, OI 4, OI 5, OI 7, OI 8)
Materials and resources: paper and pens; copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Suggested Activities
Watch the video and answer the following:
- What are the consequences of our inactions?
- How does the Golden Rule apply in support of human rights?
- In what way does the UN Declaration of Human Rights apply here? Which clauses are the most relevant?
- How might human rights be applied in our school or in the wider community to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to have a good life?
- Design a campaign to promote the Golden Rule in your community.