Lesson 2.1 – The Good Life is for Others?


Suggested level: Lower & Middle Secondary

Learning Outcomes: This lesson aims to develop a sense of empathy in students that predisposes them to consider the universality and interdependence of human rights. It links to the Australian Curriculum Humanities strand Civics and Citizenship and cross-curricular priorities. (Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priorities – Sustainability: OI 3, OI 4, OI 5, OI 7, OI 8)

Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsVt6-PgdNc


Materials and resources: paper and pens; copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Suggested Activities

Watch the video and answer the following:

  1. What are the consequences of our inactions?
  2. How does the Golden Rule apply in support of human rights?
  3. In what way does the UN Declaration of Human Rights apply here? Which clauses are the most relevant?
  4. How might human rights be applied in our school or in the wider community to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to have a good life?
  5. Design a campaign to promote the Golden Rule in your community.