Lesson 2.2 – Business and Human Rights TV Documentary


Suggested level: Middle Secondary and Upper Secondary

Resources: https://www.trustedclothes.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/bangladesh-sweatshop.jpg

Learning Outcome: This lesson fosters ethical thinking and a critical frame of mind through investigating the human rights implications of the fashion industry.

Materials and resources:

Insight on ethical fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGYH52zLDO8

TEDx How to engage with ethical fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXOd4qh3JKk

Business and Human Rights Advocacy Manual https://www.trocaire.org/sites/default/files/resources/policy/business-human-rights-advocacy-manual.pdf.pdf

This manual contains detailed discussion of the issues involved and 12 case studies

Fashion magazines and advertisements for posters

Pens, poster paper.

Suggested Activities:

1.     Students should watch one (or both) of the YouTube clips listed above. In groups of 2-4, the students should investigate one of more of their favourite fashion brands and prepare a brief report. Reports could be written or presented in poster form.

2.     Following their investigations students should conduct a simulated TV interview with a fashion company executive. Interviews could be performed live in class or recorded and presented to an audience at a later date.

As a variation, the interview could include other relevant people e.g. a worker from an ethical clothing factory, a worker from a sweatshop, a safety official, the editor of a fashion magazine such as Teen Vogue.

Example questions

  1. How do we design to reduce the negative effects to both society and the environment that also contributes sustainably to product lifecycle?
  2. Do you consider the negative environmental effects of the chemicals and colours you choose for your collection?
  3. Can you increase the integrity and longevity of your products thereby reducing some of the drivers of consumerism?
  4. How much natural resource do you use for your product?
  5. Have you considered more environmentally sensitive alternatives to the materials you are currently using?
  6. Do you consider the longer-term biodegradable attributes of the materials chosen for your product?
  7. Are you familiar with the supply chain of your material resources?
  8. Are you aware of social and environmental consequences of your product?
  9. Have you considered the recycling attributes of your product in the short and longer term?
  10. In considering the earth as a materially closed system, what are our responsibilities in considering the principle of the Stewardship of the Earth’s ecology in serving the Common Good?