Lesson 2.3 – Open Cut – Classroom Simulation


Suggested Level: Junior and Middle Secondary

Learning outcome:

Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that ‘Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person’. Some people would argue that we are entitled to an environment that supports life – clean air and water. Other people would argue that people need jobs and business needs electricity so the environment must come second. The principle of subsidiarity applies here: who should decide?

Scenario: A mining company is planning to open a new coal mine to service a new power station in Eastern Australia. There is an argument that a coal powered station is needed to fill a shortfall in electricity. Protesters argue that the mine will infringe of people’s personal rights by destroying their homes and livelihoods. Many people will have to move, and many farms will be affected by dust and waste water pollution, making large areas of land unfit for use. The mining company argues that it needs the coal to provide electricity to businesses, factories and shops employing thousands of people. The government is caught between both sides.


Some of the human rights that might be relevant here are:

  • The right to freedom of movement – protestors could be arrested if they try to block roads to the proposed mine site; if the mine goes ahead some farmers will no longer be able to access their property
  • The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health – people living in the area could be affected by pollution that affects their health and the stress of moving could make people unwell.
  • The right to just and favourable conditions of work – local business could be affected by noise, dust and other forms of pollution. On the other hand, some local businesses may argue that the mine will increase their business.
  • The right to an adequate standard of living – the mining company and other businesses that will use the electricity could argue that not mining coal will damage their right to an adequate standard of living.


Allocate students to one of the following roles. They are to research the effects of coal mining and coal-fired power stations, and also the economic benefits of affordable electricity. They should prepare notes on the arguments their character would make.



(ii) Coal Mine Developer

(iii) Minster for Resources

(iv) Local farmer

(v) Environmentalist

(vi) Minister for the Environment

(vii) members of the Chamber of Commerce in a nearby town

(viii) Student from the local secondary school


Once students have prepared their notes, hold a community meeting to discuss the mine proposal. Try to reach a consensus by the end of this simulation that is respectful to human rights and serves the Common Good.