Lesson 3.1 – Student Agency through Human Rights


Suggested Level: Early Years

Learning Objective: To foster positive relationships in children based on the principles of Human Dignity and the Common Good by exploring concepts of self, being and belonging.

Students will develop an understanding of human dignity and the Golden Rule in action, and develop tolerance of diversity and difference.

Materials and resources:

  • Poster Paper – Coloured
  • Coloured pencils or pens
  • Photograph of each student
  • Stapler
  • Magazines for cutting out photos

Human Rights Toolkit: www.discoverhumanrights.org/Human_Rights_Toolkit.html

Human Rights Here and Now www1.umn.edu/humanrts/edumat/hreduseries/hereandnow/Default.htm

Amnesty International USA: www.amnestyusa.org/educate/page.do?id=1102117

Compass – A Manual on HRE with Young People: https://eycb.coe.int/compass/en/contents.html

Suggested activities

  1. Me and my community

Students will produce an artefact demonstrating an understanding of self, community and how social engagement and the building of relationships based on respect for human dignity enhances our human resilience and sense of community.

Discussion questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What do the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘difference’ mean to me?

Students make a bio-book using folded A3 size paper. It should include details of their life to date, their achievements and family. What attributes make them unique. The books should be illustrated with photos and copies or photos of significant artefacts e.g. swimming medal, music certificate (Don’t use the originals for safety.) When completed the bio-books should be displayed for sharing.

After students have had an opportunity to read each other’s bio-books, ask students to consider the differences between class members e.g. youngest/oldest child, language spoken at home, favourite food, and then the similarities e.g. most of them will like ice-cream or the same TV shows

Admit differences exist, but highlight similarities. Then discuss:

  • What are the benefits of difference?
  • How do we celebrate diversity in our school, in our communities?