Suggested level: Middle and upper primary; junior secondary
Learning outcome: Through this lesson, students develop an understanding of the nature of bullying in terms of human rights. They then consider strategies to promote a positive attitude to human rights with the prevention of bullying.
Materials and resources: poster paper, coloured pens or pencils, magazines, video camera (or smart phone)
Suggested activities:
- Group Jigsaw Activity:
Teacher introduces the topic, explaining that everyone know that bullying is a bad thing, but not everyone understand what bullying is.
Working in groups of 2-4 ask students to define bullying. They should list all the kinds of behaviour that they consider to be bullying e.g. hitting someone, refusing to let them join activities and so on. Can they think of a time that they witnessed bullying?
Divide a page into 2 columns. Ask them to list the reasons why someone might be bullied in one column. Now list the reasons why someone might be a bully in the other column.
Do you know anyone who is able to deal with bullies and maintain their human dignity? How did they do it?
Can they think of ways to help bullies and people who have been bullied to develop positive relationships?
- Anti-bullying campaign
Using the information produced in Activity 1, students will produce an anti-bullying campaign for their school. They can make posters to be displayed around the school or a video to be played at assembly.