Schools will receive new resources to strengthen the push to eliminate racism

Every school will receive a copy of the ‘ The Final Quarter ‘, a powerful documentary about the racial taunts directed at former Australian of the Year and AFL legend Adam Goodes prior to his retirement. The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched ‘Let’s talk race: A guide on how to conduct conversations about racism‘ to complement the …
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4th Visit by Chuo University Law students to UNSW Law on Diversity and Human Rights Program

Undergraduate students and teachers from the Law Faculty, Chuo University in Tokyo visited Sydney again in between February 25th and March 12thon the Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society in Japan and Australia program. This learner-centred study abroad program is one in which students explore indigenous rights, refugee and migrant communities, and, gender and sexual …
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Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove thanks ACHRE and other patronage organisations

Dr. Lynda Blanchard represented ACHRE when His Excellency the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK, MC hosted a thank you morning tea for his patronage organisations. At the InterContinental City Centre on Monday 29 April 2019, the Governor-General thanked his patronage organisations for their volunteer work since he became Australia’s 26th Governor-General in 2014. In July …
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Remarks at the closing of High-Level Political Dialogue of the Pacific Island Forum

António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations made instructive remarks to close the high-level political dialogue of the Pacific Island Forum in May 2019. Among other things, he drew attention to ‘the clear connection between climate change and the situation in the oceans. Climate change is forcing people to move and there are problems …
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DFAT – NGO Forum on Human Rights

8 April 2019 Dr Paul Hine, ACHRE President attended the 2019 DFAT-NGO Forum on Human Rights in Canberra on 6 February 2019.  This year’s Forum brought together over 100 civil society representatives and experts from across DFAT to discuss how Australia can engage, bilaterally and multilaterally, to address international human rights challenges.  In addition to …
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Citizen for Humanity Certificate for Hurlstone Agricultural High School

26 March 2019 It was great to have an opportunity to address a year 11 Legal Studies class at the Hurlstone Agricultural High School about human rights issues in the contemporary world and about Australian multiculturalism on 26th of March. The lively and well-informed discussion followed. To acknowledge their excellence in human rights, it was …
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Tracking progress: SDG16 & SDG16+

25 March 2019 Available for download now, this report represents the third in a series of yearly reports produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace covering SDG16, which measures peace, justice and strong institutions.  Focusing on SDG16+ this report investigates currently available data, and alternative sources for use as proxies to track progress toward …
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The Queensland Human Rights Act Passed

27 February 2019 Today we are celebrating a significant win for human rights – the Queensland Human Rights Act passed through parliament. This means that 23 vital human rights including freedom of association and freedom of expression, the right to education and the right to humane treatment in detention, will be better protected in Queensland law. The Queensland Human Rights …
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Publication of Papers from 9th ICHRE

23 January 2019 Professor Audrey Osler, Editor-in-Chief Human Rights Education Review and Professor Sev Ozdowski plan to publish a special edition of HRER featuring some of the best papers from the International Conference on Human Rights Education in Sydney in December 2018.  If you presented a paper at this conference and would like it …
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