8th IHREC to be held in Montreal, Canada

15 February 2017 The International Human Rights Education Conferences (IHREC) established in 2010 are a global discussion forum to connect around shared human rights challenges and focus on good practices and innovation in education. The 8th IHREC entitled: “Bridging our diversities. An international forum to explore human rights education solutions to global challenges.” will be …
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7 IHREC, Santiago, Chile – Conference Summary and Papers

14 February 2017 The papers and panel presentations from the 7th International Human Rights Education Conference have been now published by Conference Secretariat and are available at: https://ihrec2016.org/en As you go to the details of each panel, the presenter’s names are links to their papers. If you want to download, for example, the papers from …
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DFAT Consultation on Human Rights with NGOs

9 February 2017 ACHRE was represented by Vice President, Pera Wells, at the annual DFAT consultation on human rights with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) which took place at the National Museum in Canberra on Thursday 9 February. The event attracted representatives of NGOs from all over Australia, including a significant number of Aboriginal people. Both the Foreign …
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Australia’s bid for the UN Human Rights Council

8 February 2017 Australia is a candidate for a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council for the term 2018-20. In connection with that candidacy Australia has lodged voluntary pledges in relation to each of the five campaign pillars-see the attachment. The ACHRE has joined a number of civil society organisations including the Human …
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World Programme for Human Rights Education-Midterm Review

6 February 2017 The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is preparing a progress report on the implementation of the third phase (2015-2019) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education to be submitted to the Human Rights Council in September 2017. The report will address national implementation of human …
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VII International Human Rights Education Conference “Addressing the Challenges of the Civil Society”, Santiago, Chile

18 January 2017 The University of Chile School of Law and the Center for Human Rights hosted the 7th IHREC on 12-15 December 2016. The IHREC is an international event that has taken place in Australia, South Africa, Poland, Taiwan, the United States and The Netherlands. This time the conference was held for the first …
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AHREC calls for the immediate release of Oscar Lopez Rivera

21 December 2016 ACHRE has written to US President Barack Obama asking for the immediate release of Oscar Lopez Rivera, who has served 35 years in prison for his commitment to the independence of Puerto Rico.      Oscar Lopez sentence of 70 years is completely disproportionate, taking into consideration that he was never convicted of hurting …
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International Human Rights Day

10 December 2016 10 December marks International Human Rights Day established by the UN General Assembly in 1950 to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after World War II 1948. The theme for 2016 is “Stand up for Someone’s Rights. Each year we celebrate the fundamental principle that all human beings …
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