Advisory Group Appointed for the next Human Rights Education Conference

11 May 2014 ACHRE is pleased to inform you that the international conferences on Human Rights Education (IHRE) Dr Ozdowski initiated in 2010 in Sydney continue to advance human rights culture world-wide. The Fifth IHRE conference will be held at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington DC USA on 4-6 December 2014 …
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Citizens for Humanity awarded to the Kingswood Public School

5 May 2014 The students of Year 6 Opportunity Class of the Kingswood Public School has been awarded for the second consecutive year the Citizens for Humanity Award for their achievement in knowledge of human rights. When presenting the Award, the President of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education has acknowledged the leadership of …
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The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education

22 April 2014     The Third Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education is currently being planned by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to cover a five-year period from 2015 to 2019. The Draft Plan of Action for this Third Phase has just appeared. It contains …
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Human Rights Education Forum for the ACT School Teachers and Principals

The ACT branch of the ACHRE held a Human Rights Education Forum for the ACT school teachers and principals in Canberra on 4 April 2014. The aim of the forum was to assist schools to implement the Australian Curriculum and provide strategies to principals and teachers to lead human rights education in their schools. This …
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Citizens for Humanity awarded to the Moorebank High School

12 March 2014 Dr Sev Ozdowski, President ACHRE, has presented a Citizens for Humanity Certificate to the year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students of Moorebank High School for their commitment to and knowledge of human rights issues. Year 12 students, under the leadership of their HSIE Teacher Ms Mai Ni Pham have just completed …
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NT HRE Grant Acquittal

3 March 2014 In September 2011 NTCHRE has secured the Federal Government AG’s Grant for Human Rights to design pedagogy and facilitate human rights education workshops in remote community schools. The important HRE project undertaken jointly with NT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities has been successfully completed now. In an acquittal letter to ACHRE-NT’s …
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The Citizen for Humanity Certificate Awarded to Sir Joseph Banks High School

17 February 2014 On Monday 17 February Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, President, ACHRE met with students of Year 11 Legal Studies Students of Sir Joseph Banks High School of Revesby to deliver the human rights lecture and award the Citizen for Humanity Certificate for their excellence in learning about human rights issues in Australia and …
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