7 September 2017
The Brighton Secondary School students presented their work undertaken under the auspices of ACHRE Citizen for Humanity program at the Council for International Schools (CIS) Adelaide International Conference held on 7 September 2017.
The note prepared by the students about their presentation is attached here. The note describes student experiences associated with the presentation of their Citizens for Humanity Project, and the workshop that followed to discuss ways that classes and schools could explore this topic using the theme for this year’s UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism and Development.
Enclosed is also a power point presentation titled “No food. No water. No life. Global Project” that was prepared by the Brighton Secondary School Students – see attached here.
The Citizen for Humanity program developed momentum in 2017 and went from strength to strength at the Brighton Secondary School. The educational outcomes have long reaching results and are judged by experts as having the high level educational value.
The Project is planned to continue in South Australia in 2018. in particular, The Guidelines for the 2018 Citizen for Humanity Project will be completed by end of Term 4.