11 January 2018
I am pleased to enclose the Report on the 2nd National Advancing Community Cohesion Conference which Western Sydney University hosted from 20-22 November 2017.
The conference, co-sponsored by Australian Council for Human Rights Education, was a great success. It was attended by some 300 participants from federal, state and local government departments and agencies, academia and think-tanks, civil society organisations, schools, and the private sector and advanced solutions to contemporary challenges to social cohesion in diverse, multicultural communities. The feedback received from participants revealed that 87.5% rated the Conference as having ‘Very High’ or ‘High’ utility (usefulness, benefit or value) while 93% said they would attend another community cohesion conference organised by the University.
During the Conference Dr Ozdowski, ACHRE President presented a paper (see below) and Ms Pera Wells, ACHRE DEputy President and Professor Nina Burridge, member of ACHRE Executive, chaired plenary sessions.
The narrative report on the Conference is attached.
2018-01-09 Report on the 2nd National Advancing Community Cohesion Conference
2017 2ACCC S Ozdowski Social Cohesion and Australian Multiculturalism paper